Hate, but for what reason?

Today the Winter Olympics started, yes I know that until the flame isn’t officially lit, that it doesn’t start till later, but as it has become so big but the timeframe is always the same so some events need to be held earlier to see who qualifies before hand. I don’t find that a problem, what I am finding a problem is the political haters!
The original Olympic Games was set up that all of the city states of Greece could set aside their differences to compete in the eyes of the gods. The torch run represents such, the call to compete, the call to leave all prejudices behind, it was a time of truce no matter what you believed in. However such seems to have been forgotten by all in these modern days, most of those athletes who have given up their lives to compete in such don’t want to be confronted by politics! Indeed the Olympics is one of the few occasions that participants from countries such as Iraq, Iran, Syria and others are allowed to compete.
Are the Olympics about Sport or Politics? I would like to believe that they are about achieving the best that you can be, rather than fb and twitter pages full of boycott this and boycott that, because you don’t agree with the political stance of the country that’s hosting the games that’s okay, that’s your right, but don’t insult the sportsmen and women who have lived and trained for such, they’re not the ones to blame!